Therapies Oncology and Palliative Care Team Bath (Psychological support)
The inpatient Specialist Occupational Therapist provides support to the William Budd Oncology ward and works as part of the wider palliative care team at the RUH.
The Therapies Oncology and Palliative Care Team work with patients from point of diagnosis, during and beyond treatment. The service provides:
• 1:1 interventions to support patients to prepare for treatment (prehab)
• 1:1 clinics to support patients to self-manage symptoms and side-effects of treatment, maintain usual activities and increase physical activity.
• The Macmillan HOPE (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively) course alongside CNS and Cancer Support Worker colleagues from the Macmillan Information and Support Service.
• The Move On Up exercise class for patients wishing to return to formal exercise
• Hydrotherapy exercise classes for patients with cancer related lymphoedema & reduced range of movement.