End of Life Care South Gloucester
This service offers an End of Life Coordination Centre, supporting adults over 18 with a life limiting illness, registered with a South Gloucestershire GP and who are in the last few weeks or days of life.
The Centre acts as a link between professionals, carers and service users, ensuring that timely packages of care are arranged and meet the needs of the service user, carer and families.
Care may be provided from the following services:
Domiciliary care agencies
Palliative Care Home Support (PCHS)
Marie Curie Support Workers
St Peter’s Hospice at Home Service
The Co-ordination Centre can also access overnight care for people at home (Night Sitters). This may be used to give carers a break for a night or two, for example. This can often help carers to continue to support their loved one at home.
The End of Life Co-ordination Centre will also act as a link between professionals, service users and families. For example, this may consist of ringing service users or carers to let them know what care has been arranged, to check if the right amount of care is being provided or assisting in providing equipment to support the person and carer.