Personalised Care for Cancer
There are currently an estimated 170,000 people in the South West living with and beyond cancer. Personalised Care for Cancer services aim to help those living with and beyond cancer get the care and support they need to lead as healthy and active a life as possible, for as long as possible.
The Personalised Care for Cancer Group brings together service providers and commissioners to improve support for those living with cancer in the Peninsula.
Peninsula Cancer Alliance – Living With and Beyond Cancer Meetings
11th October 2017
PCA LWBC Bid metrics summary
Cancer Bid Part A LWBC PCA FINAL 310817
SWAG Cancer Alliance – Living With and Beyond Cancer Meetings
SWAG Living With and Beyond Cancer Launch Event – 16th April 2018
At the event we showcased examples of good practice across SWAG in implementing the Recovery Package and Risk Stratified Pathways so as to support all our stakeholders in successful implementation. There were also presentations about the various elements of the Cancer Transformation Project:
- The experience of Cancer Support Workers in practice
- Patient experience and involvement
- Psychological training programme
- Cancer Rehabilitation
- The role of Primary Care in supporting this patient group
- Our Patient Portal – a patient facing website to increase access for holistic needs assessments, support and encourage self-management and improve patient experience
- Somerset Cancer Registry/Infoflex – how our systems will support implementation
The presentations are linked below:
SWAG Psychological Skills Project
NBT Cancer Informationand Support Clinic
Colorectal Recovery Package & Risk Stratified Pathways presentation for SWAG