The skills we have become embedded in our work, everyday. But those with an enquiring mind always want more, more opportunities to develop their skills, learn more, experience other aspects of our work environment, to work better and to be able to deliver better care for your patients.
We want to offer you the opportunities to further your knowledge, to enhance your role within the team, and to become the best version of you.
What we want to offer you:
- The ACCEND Framework - we want to help you navigate the best route through a number of development opportunities.
- To help you with your Skills, giving you greater knowledge to understand other aspects of work within our team. The more you understand, the more we can all appreciate the way that our work overlays from each department, and through this understanding, be able to enhance the way we deliver care.
ACCEND DEVELOPMENT Portfolio for Supportive and Assistive workforce
The ACCEND Framework lays out the essential Cancer Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) and an educational structure tailored to each stage of professional development within the cancer care career path. Its goal is to facilitate the delivery of safe and efficient cancer care that aligns with the four pillars of professional practice.