Learning and Development – Workforce

The skills we have become embedded in our work, everyday.  But those with an enquiring mind always want more, more opportunities to develop their skills, learn more, experience other aspects of our work environment, to work better and to be able to deliver better care for your patients.

We want to offer you the opportunities to further your knowledge, to enhance your role within the team, and to become the best version of you.

What we want to offer you:

  • a Training Framework - we want to help you navigate the best route through a number of training opportunities.
  • to help you with your Skills mIx, giving you greater knowledge to understand other aspects of work within our team. The more you understand, the more we can all appreciate the way that our work overlays from each department, and through this understanding, be able to enhance the way we deliver care.

Urological Cancer Clinical Advisory Group

Cancer Admin Training

Cancer Awareness Programmes

We have a raft to training opportunities in the following area:

  • These could be Regional Training Days, in conjuction with O'Halloran Consultancy. These are both live and recorded webinars, tailored to your needs.
  • 'Talk Cancer' run by Cancer Research UK, including online, face-to-face cancer awareness workshops.
  • 'Reducing Risk, Early Detection and Myth Busting', by Cancer Research UK - an indepth three week course.
  • Macmillan Cancer Support offering a variety of courses via their Learning Hub. Live courses, video and eLearning.

Personalised Care Programmes

  • 'What Matters to you' - an introduction to personalised care, with training through the Personalised Care Institute. On of the five practical changes in the long-term plan, giving people choice and control for their mental and physical health.

Hospice Communication Training

  • Responding to difficult situations can be troubling. Dorothy House Hospice Care offers training on communication techniques to help in situations where it is difficult to respond.
  • St. Peter's Hospice offer courses for non-clinicians entitled 'I don't know what to say' to help develop knowledge, confidence and skills around communication.

Cancer Training and Assessment Tool

  • This is a series of modules over eight themes within Cancer Services, providing staff with a foundation in Cancer Waiting Time Standards and Cancer Care Management.

Microsoft 365 training

  • A course that offers you a chance to master the basic and supply tips in how to best utilise Microsoft 360.


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